Ship Name: Astrotech Space Industries Model 37B Manta light fighter (Manta)
Cost: 180,000 Credits
Speed: 425
Accel: Very Good
Turn: Excellent
Shields: 20
Armor: None
Guns: Maximum of 4
Turrets: None
Space: 5 tons
Cargo: 3 tons
Fuel: 2 jumps
Length: 8 m
Mass: 9 tons
Crew: 1
Standard weapons:
1 Missile Rack + 1 Missile
3 Swivel Laser Cannons
My opinion: The Manta is cheap for a reason; it's more vulnerable than a Hawk and weaker, too. Since you can only fly in one after completing the Rebel alien mission, it's doubtful that you'll be spending the credits on one of these except to take it for a test drive. The Manta doesn't make much of a fighter either, it'll most likely be destroyed before it can inflict any significant damage to the enemy.
Computer controled: see Defender The computer rarely has the Manta fire its sole missle.